AWPGA Adoption Application Date of Application * MM DD YYYY Name * First Name Last Name Email * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone (###) ### #### How long have you lived at your current address (years and/or months)? How many people live in your home? 1 2 3 4+ How many children live in your home? 0 1 2 3 4+ Is anyone home during the day? Yes No Do you rent or own your home? Rent Own Is this your first experience with a dog? Yes No How many pets have your owned in the past 5 years? 0 1 2 3 4+ How many dogs do you have today? 0 1 2 3 4+ How many cats do you have today? 0 1 2 3 4+ How many other pets do you have today? 0 1 2 3 4+ Is your pet(s) up to date on their vaccinations? Yes No Please list your dog's breed, age, and if they are altered. If not altered, please explain why. Do you a have a fenced yard? Yes No If you have a fence, what type and what height is it? Do you hunt? Yes No Will your rescue Griffon be hunted? Yes No Do you understand adopting a rescue pet is a commitment for the life of the animal? Yes No Are you willing to accept that responsibility? Yes No May we visit your home? Yes No How many hours would a rescue Griffon spend alone per day in your home? Where will the dog stay when alone? (Please be specific about the (1) location: indoor, outdoor, both; and (2) the manner: in a crate, loose in the house, loose outside in the yard, etc.) What do you consider a reasonable time to allow a new pet to adjust to your home? How many hours are you willing to drive to pick up a rescue Griffon? What sex of rescue Griffon will you accept? Male Female Either List 2 individuals who can attest to your character, history as a dog owner, your commitment to its care, and your fitness to adopt a rescue. *If listing a relative, please ensure the alternate reference is external to your family such as a veterinarian, friend, or neighbor, etc. Please provide names and phone numbers. *Please note: Our preliminary round of applicant vetting is based on this response (in conjunction with a number of other responses in this form). Be as specific and clear as possible to ensure consideration. Explain why you want a rescue Wirehaired Pointing Griffon and why you are a good fit (include any prior rescue experience and/or experience dealing with behavioral issues). * I agree not to tie or chain the dog as a primary means of confinement. * Confirm Applications for adoptions are subject to acceptance based on a review process that will require collecting information from references. The American Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Association Rescue reserves the right to make all decisions regarding final disposition of any rescued animal in its care or under its control. There absolutely is no guarantee made or implied that any person or persons requesting to adopt from the American Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Association Rescue will be granted an adoption. We must have an application on hand and approved for you to be considered for a rescue. * I have read and understand the above disclaimer. Confirm I agree that submitting this form shall be taken as a legal substitute for my signature. * First Name Last Name Thank you for your interest in adopting a rescue Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. A member of the Rescue Committee will contact you soon.