Health & Genetics

A major part of preserving and protecting the essential qualities of our breed is encouraging our members and breeders to understand and promote our dogs' health. Owners of Wirehaired Pointing Griffons are very fortunate because our breed is generally healthy and does not seem to have some devastating diseases that plague many purebred dogs. However, the AWPGA must be proactive in all health and genetic issues. Testing for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and eye problems like entropion and hypothyroidism are some types of health tests WPG breeders and owners can do to learn about their dog’s health. When making breeding decisions, it is essential to know about the sire and dam’s health, their parents and littermates, and to test the puppies produced.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) conducts large canine research studies on diseases that affect purebred dogs. Their health program is the Canine Health Foundation (CHF). In partnership with OFA, this foundation has a breed testing designation called CHIC. This is the Canine Health Information Center CHIC, and each breed designates which health tests should be performed for their breed. The results of these tests are maintained in a registry, and dogs with all the required tests. The AWPGA has designated hips, elbows, thyroid (Effective August 1, 2017), and eyes receive a CHIC number.

In 2014, the AWPGA launched a comprehensive health and pedigree database. Multiple sources are used to collect and harvest data, but remember the database's power and value depends on owner and breeder  data.

 Click on the Database Logo above to add information about your Griffon or to Access the AWPGA Health and Pedigree Database!

 To ensure that the information is easily accessible to all breed fanciers, the AWPGA is funding the database to provide free and open access to all. Registration is not required. The AWPGA welcomes donations to help support the database. You can make your donation by simply contacting our current club treasurer.